Indigo League, Episode 3: "Ash Catches a Pokémon"

Season 1, Episode 3, Original Airdate: April 15, 1997 (JP), September 10, 1998 (US)

Picking up where we left off, Ash succeeds in catching Caterpie and goes nuts over it! Misty is not pleased, as she hates bugs. Ash likes bugs fine: not surprising, as the series was originally based off insect collecting.

Ash lets Caterpie out, much to Misty's dismay. Caterpie then starts brushing up against Misty. Pikachu also warms to Misty, much to Ash's chagrin.

It also turns out that bugs are among Misty's top three dislikes, along with carrots and peppers. Ash declares he likes all three of those things as he, Caterpie and Pikachu set off. Misty continues to follow Ash, with the excuse that he wrecked her bike. Ash sets up camp, and he and Misty go to bed.

That night, Caterpie tells Pikachu of his dream of evolving and soaring in the sky!

Misty wakes up the next morning with Caterpie in her face and screams; waking up everyone else! Misty tells off Caterpie, and Ash says that Caterpie just wants to be her friend! He tells her that Caterpie has feelings, and she's hurt them! A Pidgeotto then flies down, and Ash wants to catch it!

Ash leads just by throwing a Poké Ball! Old habits die hard: I still press and hold "A" just as the ball opens. Ash then sends Caterpie into battle, leaving Pikachu and Misty shocked! Sure enough, Caterpie gets its green behind handed to it. Ash calls back Caterpie and sends in Pikachu! Pikachu shocks Pidgeotto and Ash catches it! Misty then calls out Ash over his recklessness.

Team Rocket arrives and demands Pikachu, as they're impressed by how powerful he is. Meowth is especially impressed. Ash refuses to hand over Pikachu, and Jessie and James send out Ekans and Koffing; the latter of whom uses Sludge attack in Pikachu's eyes. Ash then tells Misty to guard Pikachu. I never really got this part, and I still don't: I mean, Pikachu's accuracy may be down with the sludge in his eyes, but there's no indication he can't battle besides the plot says he can't.

Ash then sends out Pidgeotto, who fights the best he can; but is outmatched by Ekans and Koffing and taken down. Ash then sends out Caterpie, and while Team Rocket is unimpressed; Caterpie is able to wrap Ekans and Koffing up in String Shot rather than just lowering their speed.

Caterpie then mummifies Meowth, and has defeated Team Rocket! Ash congratulates Caterpie, as does Misty.

Caterpie then evolves into Metapod, which is the fastest-evolving one in the Pokédex! Misty remarks he really does love Pokémon, and Ash; Misty and Pikachu then set off.

"Ash Catches a Pokémon" is a little dated and silly, but it has some nice animation on the battle sequences for the time and it does a good job of establishing the Pokémon world. So, I definitely recommend watching it. Next up is "Challenge of the Samurai!" To be continued...


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